Saturday, June 4, 2011


The results of last week's to do list:

No T.V. - This was supposed to last a whole weekend...but I haven't watched any to date!
Good music - Found and amazing podcast series, which got me through the week :)
Creative Projects - Well I had started with the headband; BUT went for Kurly Kichana's Natural Hair Meet Up last Saturday which was pretty great :). Got to meet a couple of girlies who's blogs I had been on so that was very coolo:

Curly-Natural-Me - the write up of her in Kurl Kichana was the last bit of inspiration I needed to cut my hair..I read the post I cut my hair; simple as that :-p

Afro-belle - Actually read her blog the day before the meet-up! She's got a love for shoes and I don't blame her! :-p

Closet49 - I have been on this girl's store site but didn't know she had a blog! The concept of closet49 basically tackles one of the major dilemmas you get when you look through your heavily stocked wardrobe and think: "I have nothing to wear." Closet49 allows you to put away 'old treasures' every Thursday and Saturday and pick up new ones at their stall. I have been meaning to go shall be the day!

Organising my room - Well that has been put 'on-hold' until tomorrow - got a busy day today!

Report - Done!! Was a seriously hectic week of late nights and early mornings but it's all over on that front now :)

Have a lovely weekend!xx

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